Product Development

Tech Stacks You'll Need

  • Frontend

    • JavaScript Frameworks: React, Angular, or Vue.js are popular choices.

    • CSS: For styling and UI design.

  • Backend

    • Node.js: A popular JavaScript runtime for building performant servers.

    • Express.js: A web framework for Node.js.

    • Databases: PostgreSQL or MongoDB are common options.

  • Cloud Infrastructure

    • AWS: Offers a vast suite of cloud services (EC2, S3, Lambda, etc.).

    • Google Cloud Platform (GCP): Comprehensive cloud solutions from Google.

    • Azure: Microsoft's cloud platform.

Initial Product Focus

  • At NAUCode, we believe in the power of collaboration to build exceptional products. By taking the lead on the initial product concept, we ensure it aligns with our deep understanding of the Vietnamese and global markets and addresses the gaps we see in existing no-code solutions.

  • We're exploring a range of high-potential areas like AI Agents, Documentation Automation, Vertical Project Management and are eager to collaborate with you to refine the concept and determine a feature set that truly sets us apart.

  • Your input will be critical during this process. We value your technical knowledge, passion for no-code, and unique perspective in crafting a solution with the potential to disrupt the market.

Technical Infrastructure

  • While maintaining flexibility, we encourage you to select technologies that prioritize:

    • The ability to scale seamlessly to support a growing user base.

    • Ease of development and maintenance to streamline the product's evolution.

    • Robust cloud integrations to extend our platform's reach and functionality.

  • Leverage our team's expertise and connections to help you make informed technical choices. We're committed to your success and want to equip you with the resources you need.

Development Methodology

  • An agile approach to development is essential for our success. We believe in iterative development, incorporating user insights at every stage to build a product our target market truly needs and loves.

  • Whether using Scrum, Kanban, or another Agile framework, we encourage processes that foster collaboration, rapid prototyping, and continuous adaptation as the product evolves.

Validation Process

  • At NAUCode, we firmly believe in putting users at the forefront of development. Expect to:

    • Engage with potential early adopters from the earliest stages to validate and refine the product's direction.

    • Gain invaluable feedback through beta testing and interactive demos, allowing users to experience the platform firsthand.

    • Cultivate a thriving community where users can shape the product's future, report challenges, and share their excitement.

  • Data will be your guiding star. We'll establish essential metrics to track product growth, adoption, and user behavior to inform our decision-making.

A Unique Opportunity for Accelerated Growth

  • This approach empowers you to focus on mastering your technical toolkit and building a world-class no-code platform alongside experienced mentors.

  • Our guidance in the early stages will accelerate your learning journey, giving you a holistic understanding of the product lifecycle.

  • The experience you gain will be invaluable as you transition into the CTO role, ensuring not only technical prowess but a deep understanding of the market and our user needs.

Last updated