Chapter 3. Marketing Execution and Optimization

Campaign Powerhouse

  • Project Management Tools: Introduce project management tools like Trello, Asana, or Provide basic tutorials for setting up boards and assigning tasks to practice their execution skills.

  • Inspiration Showcase: Curate a collection of outstanding marketing campaigns (not just tech-focused) as a reference point for creativity and effective storytelling.

  • Campaign Ideation Session: Lead a collaborative brainstorm with your Co-Founder to develop at least 2-3 potential campaign themes tailored to the NAUCode product launch and target audience.

Content Creation Masterclass

  • Free and Accessible Toolkit: Introduce user-friendly design tools like:

    • Canva (for graphics, social media assets, simple presentations)

    • Kapwing or similar (for basic video editing and meme creation)

    • Unsplash or Pexels (for high-quality stock images)

  • Content Repurposing Strategy: Demonstrate how a single blog post can be transformed into infographics, Twitter threads, carousel posts, or short videos.

  • The Power of User-Generated Content: Discuss strategies to encourage early adopters to share their creations or experiences with NAUCode. Explain why UGC is valuable and how to ethically incorporate it into marketing.

Community Building and Engagement

  • Relevant Community Mapping: Help your Co-Founder identify online communities (Reddit, Facebook Groups, Discord servers, etc.) where students interested in tech, entrepreneurship, or skill-building gather.

  • Social Listening Tools: Introduce tools like Hootsuite or Brandwatch for monitoring keywords, NAUCode mentions, and industry conversations.

  • Tone of Voice: Emphasize adapting messaging based on the platform. (LinkedIn might be more professional, while TikTok could be more playful). Provide examples for comparison.

Data-Driven Decisions

  • Analytics Walkthrough: Provide a guided tour of Google Analytics (or your primary tool). Focus on key metrics relevant to early-stage marketing: website traffic sources, bounce rates, time-on-page, landing page conversion rates, etc.

  • Interpreting the Data: Present different scenarios (e.g., sudden decline in traffic, high engagement with a particular content type) and guide the Co-Founder through analyzing causes and proposing actions.

  • The A/B Testing Mindset: Introduce the concept of A/B testing (headlines, visuals, ad copy). Emphasize that data-driven marketing is about continuous experimentation.

Resource Management

  • Budget Tracking Template: Provide a detailed Excel or Google Sheets template to track marketing expenses. Include categories like ad spend, content creation tools, event sponsorships, etc.

  • Calculating ROI: Walk through basic ROI calculations for various marketing channels. Discuss cases where calculating precise ROI may be challenging and emphasize the importance of a combined data picture.

  • Resource Hub: Create a shared folder or document with a curated list of cost-effective marketing resources: free stock photo sites, design tools, marketing blogs, etc.

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